that feeling when

When my webhost upgraded something, at some point during the past year—probably the database underlying this WordPress installation—the upgrade rotated Unicode code points a notch or two, such that — displays as — instead of = em-dash.

Though I won’t clean up the old note-taking/event posts, a few pages I care about are queued for tidying.

This is the type of thing that inclines one towards exploring a static type generator, when one doesn’t really need as much as WordPress has become.

a small contribution

My response to Data-Sitters Club 12 [1] has been included in the “Dear Reader: More Coding Stories” appendix. Thanks to Quinn Dombrowski for taking the trouble to include additional voices! #12 is about learning to code, pondering which tools to use, and finding connections to known things.

1. Bowers, Katherine, Quinn Dombrowski, and Roopika Risam. “DSC #12: The DSC and the New Coding Language.” The Data-Sitters Club, November 2, 2021.

Andreas Burkard, Monitoring Systems for Checking Websites on Accessibility

Today I attended an English-language webinar about the results of an accessibility-tool evaluation study conducted by the Competence Center on Digital Accessibility at Stuttgart Hochschule der Medien (Stuttgart Media University), Germany. The lead presenter was Andreas Burkard, and Prof. Dr. Gottfried Zimmermann assisted with Q&A; Laura Eppler and Kira Frankenfeld were silent members of the presentation. A German-language webinar on the same topic took place separately.

[Edited to add, 27 Oct 2020: HdM has now released links to PDF slides in German and English.]

Here’s the event summary:

The goal of this study was to identify a monitoring system on the market that is best suited for the needs of the university. We evaluated various factors, e.g. coverage of WCAG criteria, percentage of errors found, percentage of false positives. Also, we evaluated the usability of the systems based on an user study. The monitoring systems that were evaluated in the study are (in alphabetic order):

  • Deque: WorldSpace Comply (now called axe Monitor)
  • Pope Tech
  • Siteimprove: Accessibility
  • The Paciello Group: ARC Monitoring

Continue reading “Andreas Burkard, Monitoring Systems for Checking Websites on Accessibility”

Library Coffee Chat: Supporting Students with Remote Learning; Preservation Overview

I had the pleasure today of attending a Zoom-based UC Berkeley Library talk on preservation and conservation, led by Hannah Tashjian and sponsored by the Library Development Office. As preface, University Librarian Jeff MacKie-Mason gave an update about Library activities during the pandemic.

LDO also noted an upcoming panel, UC Research Should Be Free to All: COVID-19 Shows Us Why, on 16 Oct 2020.

Supporting Students, Supporting Research Needs

Earlier this year, the Library had halted ordering physical materials for several months because it wasn’t possible to ship or receive them—but they’re back to processing acquisitions. Research services exist by appointment, including in person with appropriate precautions for Bancroft (rare book, manuscript, art collections) and microfilm materials.

Oski Xpress pickup services are currently limited to Gardner Stacks and Morrison Room holdings because those are the spaces where library staff are permitted currently to operate in person. Gaining access to other spaces for reshelving and paging is in progress. It’s complex because the navigable areas need to be mapped out, water fountains closed off, etc. Then they need to plan out how many individuals can be in the space at once, make PPE available, make clear requests of Facilities staff for additional cleaning and maintenance, and identify who will actually enter the building, with the relevant approvals. Understandably, the preparation takes significant effort and time….


Hannah Tashjian joined the Preservation unit in 2005 (which used to be called Conservation, memory says); she’s served as its interim head since 2018. She gave an overview of the unit’s mission and primary strategies, then showed some tools and spoke about what we can learn from mending and sometimes re-mending materials—printed books, bound manuscript codices, fragments of Tebtunis papyrus, art posters, and … a javelin in the University Archives. I recognized Samuel L. Clemens’s handwriting immediately from an 1873 letter shown in one slide, and I enjoyed hearing about the Western notebooks from which mold had been removed. The twenty minutes of Q&A that followed Tashjian’s talk included a lively discussion of digitization sustainability.

I’ve no current affiliation other than alum. For more information and to support UC Berkeley Library activities and staff, please contact the Library Development Office or its executive director, Louise Gregory.

cho shim

In 2018, Kiha and the Faces released “Cho Shim” as a single from their fifth and final album. Video.

Three short translation notes: Continue reading “cho shim”