30: Interface and User Perspective
Thu 7 Jun, 11:00-12:30 Session 30: Interface and User Perspective Human-Centered Analysis and Visualization Tools for the Blogosphere Xavier Llorà, Noriko Imafuji Yasui, Michael Welge, David E. Goldberg Multilevel Displays and Document Blueprints: Dynamic Browsing Using XML Structures and Text Features Stéfan Sinclair, Stan Ruecker The Digital Museum in the Life of the User Paul […]
14: “Done”: Finished Projects in the Digital Humanities
Thu 7 Jun, 9:00-10:30 Session 14: “Done”: Finished Projects in the Digital Humanities Matthew Kirschenbaum, William A. Kretzschmar, Jr., David Sewell, Susan Brown, Patricia Clements, Isobel Grundy Some interesting theorizing occurred here.
25: Models and Tools
Wed 6 Jun, 16:00-17:30 Session 25: Models and Tools Citation Networks: A New Humanities Tool? Almila Akdag, Zoe Borovsky Modeling, Explanation, and Ontology in the Cultural Sciences: An Example Allen H. Renear Thinking about Interpretation: Pliny and Scholarship in the Humanities John Bradley
7: Digital Humanities and the Solitary Scholar
Wed 6 Jun, 14:00-15:30 Session 7: Digital Humanities and the Solitary Scholar David J. Birnbaum, Michael L. Norton, Linda E. Patrik, Dorothy Carr Porter, Geoffrey Rockwell, Helen Aguera
24: Representation and Analysis
Wed 6 Jun, 11:00-12:30 Session 24: Representation and Analysis Collex: facets, folksonomy, and fashioning the remixable web Bethany Nowviskie Expressing Complex Associations in Medieval Historical Documents: The Henry III Fine Rolls Project Arianna Ciula, Paul Spence, José Miguel Vieira, Gautier Poupeau Reading Tools, or Text Analysis Tools as Objects of Interpretation Stéfan Sinclair, Geoffrey Rockwell