17: EMES 2
2007-05-10 Session 17: Relations, Companions, Derivatives Sponsor: Early Middle English Society This panel was my idea, sibling to Dorothy Kim’s on women and devotion. I’ll remind everyone reading that (a) this blog blocks indexing by search engines and (b) all ideas belong to their presenters, not to me—and certainly not to you. Saint Edmund of […]
114: Layamon’s Brut
2007-05-10 Session 114: Layamon’s Brut: Historical and Political Contexts Sponsor: International Layamon’s Brut Society Reconsidering Layamon’s Angles and Saxons Kenneth J. Tiller Law and Arthur: Legal Literature in Layamon’s Brut Scott Kleinman Layamon’s Brut and the Barons’ War Jennifer Miller Two of these were the best papers I heard at the conference, so I’ll start […]
The current post follows upon its predecessor, which halts with an example of how a glyph representing something like its ideal antecedent doesn’t really suffice. The most recent “something like” problem involves character spacing.
on point
In the office I have been banging my head for several weeks against cross-platform, cross-browser font issues. (They’re surprisingly tangible.)
carthy’s gypsies
Friday, 2007-03-16, 16:00: Martin Carthy, “Gypsy Songs of England and Scotland” 125 Morrison Hall, UC Berkeley I walked into the room after an older man who banged his guitar into the doorframe, and then I realized who he was.