Sirens 2012
The fourth occurrence of Sirens, a conference about women in/and fantasy fiction, took place 11–14 October 2012 in Stevenson, Washington, which is about an hour east of Portland, Oregon. I didn’t take my laptop and thus didn’t liveblog any sessions, but I tweeted a bit. See the end of the Storify embedded below for next […]
a little light javascript
If you ever need to convert HTML+CSS (such as that created by WordPerfect or Word export) to generic TEI, you can write a JavaScript function that e.g. gathers up all the <span>s and iterates through them one at a time in an array, and then you do something like this to them. (What’s an array? […]
abstract for “Textual Portability”
Herewith the abstract for “Textual Portability and Its Uses in England, ca. 1250–1330,” my 2006 dissertation, partly so that I can reach it without rooting around in metaphorically dusty folders of my laptop’s backup external hard drive:
status: mid-june 2012
So much for blogging more regularly; aside from the usual vagaries of life, I’ve been working on a couple of side projects. One is secret till completed. The other involves copy-editing part of a cool forthcoming game by Keith Nemitz called 7 Grand Steps. Instead of inventing something interesting to write about, therefore, I’ll lay […]
select (dissertation) bibliography
The following material is the full content of the “select bibliography” submitted with my 2006 dissertation, “Textual Portability and Its Uses in England, ca. 1250–1330.” Manuscripts, microfilms, and digital surrogates are listed first, followed by primary sources and secondary sources. Unlike Appendix B, the bibliography appears here almost wholly unchanged from the dissertation version. I’ve […]