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manuscripts containing Li Rei de Engletere

“I ought to blog more often,” every person with a blog thinks sometimes. Here we go. Below is a skeleton of Appendix B from my doctoral dissertation, “Textual Portability and Its Uses in England, ca. 1250–1330,” UC Berkeley, 2006. I hold copyright on my dissertation (I paid UMI/ProQuest for this small privilege), and accordingly, if […]

how to make a digital scholarly edition–and why

[These are my speaking notes, cues and all, from a talk delivered at the C19 Americanists conference, Berkeley, CA, 14 April 2012.]

some tools of the trade

This post exists in support of my C19 Americanists talk of April 2012. Below the cut: link-lists for transcription; text encoding; software aids; conversion to web, search, and other niceties; and (parts of the) community.