rusting connectivity

Another song translation.

alles wird gut

This post is a small exercise of translating muscles dormant for years. I’ve been listening recently to Bushido’s “Alles wird gut” (despite the singer’s politics). Google Translate gives me a rash sometimes with its inability to track negatives, pronouns, and occasionally plain ol’ prepositions in German: herewith a truer rendering. Thanks to’s contributors for […]

an old storify post, archived

Apparently, I posted the content below to Storify “7 years ago.” It’s six calendar years, given the link in the original content, with no precise timestamp within Storify. Why did we ever think Storify could be used to archive digital content? Mess, metadata-wise. * * * glitch unstuck I’ve been looking forward for a while […]

here a fitt ends

As of July 2016, I’ll cease to be Digital Publications Manager at the Mark Twain Project, UC Berkeley. (After eleven years, and by choice.) New challenges ahoy.

Collaborating on Han shu (漢書)

Collaborating on Han shu (漢書)

Collaborating on Han shu (漢書) [Part of the 2016 DH Faire as a panelist in “The Library and DH: Support Through Collaboration.” Click on slide images to embiggen.] During this academic year, my MTP colleague Mandy Gagel and I have been the staff participants in Scott McGinnis's project to build what he calls a digital-literary […]