select (dissertation) bibliography

The following material is the full content of the “select bibliography” submitted with my 2006 dissertation, “Textual Portability and Its Uses in England, ca. 1250–1330.” Manuscripts, microfilms, and digital surrogates are listed first, followed by primary sources and secondary sources. Unlike Appendix B, the bibliography appears here almost wholly unchanged from the dissertation version. I’ve […]

manuscripts containing Li Rei de Engletere

“I ought to blog more often,” every person with a blog thinks sometimes. Here we go. Below is a skeleton of Appendix B from my doctoral dissertation, “Textual Portability and Its Uses in England, ca. 1250–1330,” UC Berkeley, 2006. I hold copyright on my dissertation (I paid UMI/ProQuest for this small privilege), and accordingly, if […]

how to make a digital scholarly edition–and why

[These are my speaking notes, cues and all, from a talk delivered at the C19 Americanists conference, Berkeley, CA, 14 April 2012.]

some tools of the trade

This post exists in support of my C19 Americanists talk of April 2012. Below the cut: link-lists for transcription; text encoding; software aids; conversion to web, search, and other niceties; and (parts of the) community.

tech corner

tech corner

Notes on three short talks—includes some poor phone-camera photos.