TEI 2011 opening keynote: Edward Vanhoutte
#tei2011, typed on phone (edited to add: talk has been posted) Poor introducer, whose name I missed, had to read two statements in English at the beginning (with misspeaking of “dark age” for “digital”) before Malte Rehbein’s intro. 150+ participants, 18 countries (Europe, U.S., Asia). Edward Vanhoutte gave a talk in two halves, bridged by […]
SES-36: The “#alt-ac” Track
Wednesday, 22 June 2011, 10:30–noon SES-36: The “#alt-ac” Track: Digital Humanists off the Straight and Narrow Path to Tenure (panel abstract) Bethany Nowviskie1, Julia Flanders2, Tanya Clement3, Doug Reside3, Dot Porter4, Eric Rochester1 1University of Virginia; 2Brown University; 3University of Maryland, College Park; 4Indiana University
SES-29: Integrating Digital Papyrology
Wednesday, 22 June 2011, 8:30–10:00 SES-29: Integrating Digital Papyrology (panel abstract) Gabriel Bodard1, Hugh Cayless2, Ryan Baumann3, Joshua Sosin4, Raffaele Viglianti1 1King’s College London, United Kingdom; 2New York University; 3University of Kentucky; 4Duke University
SES-08: Long papers: ID 196, 315, 346
Monday, 20 June 2011, 10:30–noon SES-08: Long papers: ID 196, 315, 346 Automatic Extraction of Catalog Data from Genizah Fragments’ images (abstract) Roni Shweka1, Yaacov Choueka1, Lior Wolf2, Nachum Dershowitz2, Masha Zeldin1 1The Friedberg Genizah Project, Israel; 2Tel Aviv University, Israel The Digital Materiality of Early Christian Visual Culture: an example from John 20:29 (abstract) […]
Mark Twain’s “Great” Works
ALitA 2010, Session 9L, Mark Twain’s “Great” Works: New Sources and Complications Tom Quirk (U Missouri), “The Flawed Greatness of Huckleberry Finn” Lawrence Howe (Roosevelt), “Expectations and Disappointment: Twain’s Roughing It and Beyond” Hsuan L. Hsu (UC Davis), “A Connecticut Yankee in Wu Chih Tien’s Court: Mark Twain and Wong Chin Foo”