
being contingent: a timeline

Musings over some computer games I played long ago *blows gently upon dust* and the importance of external enablement.


The current post follows upon its predecessor, which halts with an example of how a glyph representing something like its ideal antecedent doesn’t really suffice. The most recent “something like” problem involves character spacing.

on point

In the office I have been banging my head for several weeks against cross-platform, cross-browser font issues. (They’re surprisingly tangible.)


The final final final “sentence of the day” for this project (I tell you three times), which I meant to post earlier this morning: As a chronicle Li Rei succeeds by avoiding the superlative strengths of other texts. The dissertation’s title is “Textual Portability and Its Uses in England, ca. 1250-1330″; its abstract is after […]

how to replace a Palm Tungsten C battery

[Backdated post moved hither: no editing. Orig date 2006-03-23. I’d forgotten its details]