Mark Twain’s “Great” Works
ALitA 2010, Session 9L, Mark Twain’s “Great” Works: New Sources and Complications Tom Quirk (U Missouri), “The Flawed Greatness of Huckleberry Finn” Lawrence Howe (Roosevelt), “Expectations and Disappointment: Twain’s Roughing It and Beyond” Hsuan L. Hsu (UC Davis), “A Connecticut Yankee in Wu Chih Tien’s Court: Mark Twain and Wong Chin Foo”
Asian American Literature
ALitA 2010, Session 8F, Asian American Literature: Ambivalent Precursors Yuan Shu (Texas Tech), “Rereading Yung Wing’s My Life in China and America in the Age of Globalization” David Roh (Old Dominion), “Japanese and American Scientific Management: The Construction of Korean Labor in Younghill Kang’s East Goes West” Benzi Zhang (Chinese U of Hong Kong), “An […]
The Varieties of Digital Experience
ALitA 2010, Session 4B, The Varieties of Digital Experience: Digital Scholarship across American Literature Matt Cohen (UT–Austin), “Digitization and Colonization” Amy Hungerford (Yale), “Post*45 Goes Digital” Elizabeth J. Vincelette (Old Dominion), “Methodology, Transparency, and the Digital Archive” Amanda Gailey (U Nebraska), “Collected Editions and the Canon in the Digital Age” Gailey moderated because Edward Whitley […]
MT: The Perils of Biography and Anthology
ALitA 2010, Session 1A, Mark Twain: The Perils of Biography and Anthology Shelley Fisher Fishkin (Stanford), “American Literature in Transnational Perspective: The Case of Mark Twain” Laura Skandera Trombley (Pitzer), “Fighting Ghosts: The Writing of Mark Twain’s Other Woman” [paper withdrawn?] Michael Shelden (Indiana State), “Mark Twain and Lord Curzon: Imperialism and Twain’s Honorary Degree […]
The Future of Electronic Reading
Part of O’Reilly’s Tools for Change mini-con, Oct 2009. Speaker: Matthew Bernius (Rochester Institute of Technology’s Open Publishing Lab) 2009 has been a watershed year for ebooks. According to the Association of American Publishers, not only did are year to date ebooks sales up 149.3%, June 2009 saw the highest amount of ebook trade sales […]