
Saturday, 17:00

Saturday, 2006-10-28, 17:00 Greg Crane, “Intellectual Life in the Age of Google” This one may be of interest to you non-TEI folk, too. V. belated final entry of a series.

Saturday, 14:00

Saturday, 2006-10-28, 14:00 Inside the TEI: Updates, Elections, Business Meeting

Saturday, 9:00

Saturday, 2006-10-28, 9:00 SIGs: Overlap

Friday, 16:30

Friday, 2006-10-27, 16:30 Liam Quin, “The Angst of Markup, or What We Must Learn from the Amateurs”

Friday, 15:00

Friday, 2006-10-27, 15:00 “Paper Slam: Five Short Papers from the Poster and Demonstration Session”