By Sharon K. Goetz on 2007-06-07
Wed 6 Jun, 16:00-17:30
Session 25: Models and Tools
Citation Networks: A New Humanities Tool?
Almila Akdag, Zoe Borovsky
Modeling, Explanation, and Ontology in the Cultural Sciences: An Example
Allen H. Renear
Thinking about Interpretation: Pliny and Scholarship in the Humanities
John Bradley
Continue reading “25: Models and Tools”
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By Sharon K. Goetz on 2007-06-07
Wed 6 Jun, 14:00-15:30
Session 7: Digital Humanities and the Solitary Scholar
David J. Birnbaum, Michael L. Norton, Linda E. Patrik, Dorothy Carr Porter, Geoffrey Rockwell, Helen Aguera
Continue reading “7: Digital Humanities and the Solitary Scholar”
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By Sharon K. Goetz on 2007-06-07
Wed 6 Jun, 11:00-12:30
Session 24: Representation and Analysis
Collex: facets, folksonomy, and fashioning the remixable web
Bethany Nowviskie
Expressing Complex Associations in Medieval Historical Documents: The Henry III Fine Rolls Project
Arianna Ciula, Paul Spence, José Miguel Vieira, Gautier Poupeau
Reading Tools, or Text Analysis Tools as Objects of Interpretation
Stéfan Sinclair, Geoffrey Rockwell
Continue reading “24: Representation and Analysis”
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By Sharon K. Goetz on 2007-06-06
Session 4: ADHO Panel
Tue 5 Jun, 16:00-17:30
Kevin Franklin, Matthew Kirschenbaum, Lev Manovich, Catherine Plaisant
I decided with regret to skip Elena Pierazzo’s talk on time-based textual encoding in favor of the ADHO session once I’d read its newly updated description:
This panel will engage in a discussion of work being done in the humanities that is computational but not literary/linguistic, or at least not primarily focused on text. The panel will also discuss the possibilities for collaboration across the different paradigms of humanities computing/new media/visual culture/grid computing/critical studies.
Continue reading “4: ADHO Panel”
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By Sharon K. Goetz on 2007-06-06
Tue 5 Jun, 14:00-15:30
Session 18: Visualities 2
Examples of Images in Text Encoding
Dorothy Carr Porter
Re-imag[en]ing Cervantes’ Don Quixote: a Multilayered Approach to Editing Visual Materials in a Hypertextual Archive
Eduardo Urbina, Fernando González Moreno, Richard Furuta, Steven E. Smith, Jie Deng, Stephanie Elmquist, and Sarah Tonner
The Visionary Cross: An Experiment in the Multimedia Edition
Daniel Paul O’Donnell, Catherine Karkov, James Graham, Wendy Osborn, Roberto Rosselli Del Turco
Continue reading “18: Visualities 2”
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