
The current post follows upon its predecessor, which halts with an example of how a glyph representing something like its ideal antecedent doesn’t really suffice.

The most recent “something like” problem involves character spacing. Continue reading “pointier”

on point

In the office I have been banging my head for several weeks against cross-platform, cross-browser font issues. (They’re surprisingly tangible.) Continue reading “on point”

carthy’s gypsies

Friday, 2007-03-16, 16:00: Martin Carthy, “Gypsy Songs of England and Scotland”
125 Morrison Hall, UC Berkeley

I walked into the room after an older man who banged his guitar into the doorframe, and then I realized who he was. Continue reading “carthy’s gypsies”

rolling one’s own

Last redirect for awhile. (Welcome to the new site.) If you’re feeding off LiveJournal syndication, the link has been updated for you, along with the usual flood (sorry); otherwise, I think you want this.

Me, I want to look into plugins and themes . . . .

The change is thanks to the fact that I switched Web hosts for EMES from D.’s linux machine to a pay service, and the latter comes with a few add-on domains. At the moment I’m paying for the hosting myself, anyway, because EMES isn’t doing enough to justify trying to collect dues: sponsoring conference panels is free. We have some ideas for adding content (need content badly!) that I haven’t had time to implement yet. If you have suggestions, please let me know!

on “software to generate crease patterns for folding paper into origami shapes

joys submerged

boosting arts/humanities computing

Tuesday, 2007-02-06, 14:30-16:30: Christopher Mackie (Mellon Foundation)
4 Dwinelle Hall, UC Berkeley
organized by Mara Hancock (ETS)

(now slightly edited)
Christopher Mackie presented information about a Mellon initiative to encourage cross-disciplinary computational projects involving the arts and humanities and sustainable over the long term.

Continue reading “boosting arts/humanities computing”