By Sharon K. Goetz on 2012-05-05
The following material is the full content of the “select bibliography” submitted with my 2006 dissertation, “Textual Portability and Its Uses in England, ca. 1250–1330.” Manuscripts, microfilms, and digital surrogates are listed first, followed by primary sources and secondary sources.
Unlike Appendix B, the bibliography appears here almost wholly unchanged from the dissertation version. I’ve added an asterisk for Harvard Law 1, which I was able to examine in 2008. That’s it.
(Also examined directly, post-dissertation: Harvard Law 59, Houghton MS Typ 11, UCLA MS Rouse 53. I’ve been fortunate to obtain color scans as well of Houghton MSS Typ 11, Typ 40, and Typ 216; meanwhile, Bodmer 47’s scans have been made available publicly.)
I won’t attempt here to bring the primary and secondary lists up to date with post-2006 scholarship! Such an attempt would include hyperlinks for the older texts now available via Internet Archive, Project Gutenberg, Google Books, and the like; it would also correct nearly all the extant hyperlinks, since those resources have redesigned their respective websites. I do intend an update—this post and its predecessor are “public scholarship” snapshots of work that continues to move forwards—but it is meaningful to post this 2006 iteration untouched.
Continue reading “select (dissertation) bibliography”
Posted in li rei de engletere
By Sharon K. Goetz on 2012-04-24
“I ought to blog more often,” every person with a blog thinks sometimes. Here we go.
Below is a skeleton of Appendix B from my doctoral dissertation, “Textual Portability and Its Uses in England, ca. 1250–1330,” UC Berkeley, 2006. I hold copyright on my dissertation (I paid UMI/ProQuest for this small privilege), and accordingly, if you use the material herein, you must credit me.
Appendix B in its full form offers a preliminary handlist of manuscripts containing Li Rei de Engletere (sometimes called Li Livere de reis de Brittanie), a text-cluster my dissertation analyzes extensively. For the manuscripts whose texts I have examined (more than half the forty-plus total), in the appendix’s dissertation version I describe Li Rei‘s extent and features, provide information about its textual relationship with other manuscripts, and comment upon its contextual situation. The folio or page ranges given in the numbered headings mark Li Rei‘s extent in that manuscript. In this blog version, my prose commentary has been omitted because I am not yet ready to publish it, even in preliminary blog form.
Continue reading “manuscripts containing Li Rei de Engletere“
Posted in li rei de engletere |
By Sharon K. Goetz on 2012-04-14
[These are my speaking notes, cues and all, from a talk delivered at the C19 Americanists conference, Berkeley, CA, 14 April 2012.] Continue reading “how to make a digital scholarly edition–and why”
Posted in events, work |
By Sharon K. Goetz on 2012-04-14
This post exists in support of my C19 Americanists talk of April 2012. Below the cut: link-lists for transcription; text encoding; software aids; conversion to web, search, and other niceties; and (parts of the) community. Continue reading “some tools of the trade”
Posted in links, work
By Sharon K. Goetz on 2011-10-13
Notes on three short talks—includes some poor phone-camera photos. Continue reading “tech corner”
Posted in events, tei