Fan Communities
- Athanarel - For more information about Athanarel, read here.)
- CrownDuel (Yahoo! Group) - The mailing list that replaced CastleTlanth, which has been overrun by spam. However, it's not very active, as most people have moved to Athanarel.
- CastleTlanth - The main Sherwood Smith fan community before it was overrun by spam and Athanarel took its place. CastleTlanth still has tons of information in the archives, if you want to explore, but most of the relevant information has been copied to the wiki or can be found on Colorwoods.
- Exordium-L - A Yahoo! Group (mailing list) for the Exordium series.
- Facebook Groups:
Fan Sites
Note: Some may be out of date, but all have something there that might be of interest
Quizzes, Games, Fanfiction, Fanart, and More
Other Sites You Might Enjoy
- Fledgling Quills - A LiveJournal community perfect for writers just starting out who are looking for sympathetic writing group
- Semaphore - A small webzine that has published one of Ms. Smith's short stories.
- Someone's Read it Already - "Book reviews, comments, and pithiness"