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Coronets and Steel

Coronets and Steel Attach:CoronetsandSteel.jpg
Publisher: DAW
Publication Date: September 7, 2010
Media Type: Hardcover
Pages: 672
ISBN-10: 0756406420
ISBN-13: 978-0756406424
Followed by: Blood Spirits

A Ruritanian romance.

Kim's a grad student in L.A. Her passions are ballet, fencing, Jane Austen, and swashbuckling, romantic old movies. When her grandmother begs her to go east and see if "they" are safe, then slips into an uncommunicative silence, Kim goes to Vienna to search for a family, armed with only two clues. She's having no luck when she first runs into a ghost, and then encounters a guy she mentally dubs Mr. Darcy. Only this Mr. Darcy acts like he knows her. When she goes out for a drink and wakes up on a train, the adventure begins. This story began as an homage to Prisoner of Zenda, only with a female having to prove her courage, dash . . . and honor.[1]

Other Editions

Coronets and Steel is also available in paperback and as an ebook.

  • Media Type: Softcover
    • Publisher: DAW
    • Publication Date: September 6, 2011
    • ISBN: 0756406854
  • Media Type: Ebook


  1. Sherwood Smith's Bibliography

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Page last modified on May 01, 2013, at 09:14 PM