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Kyale Marlonen's maid in Vasande Leror. Her name is pronounced Ll-yeh-Ay-ee.[1]


She is an older woman of comfortable size and demeanor.


Originally she came from Sartor.[2] When she agreed to stay with Kitty after Mara Jinea's downfall she made Kitty agree to relax protocol, so no curtsying or titles. She was more of a mother to Kitty than Mara Jinea was.[3] Llhei is the sister of Lizana.[4]


  1. SEN.p23
  2. SEN.p14
  3. SEN.p40
  4. SJ. Part2 Ch.9

Categories: Senrid || Vasande Leror

Page last modified on May 05, 2013, at 02:49 PM