The following Sartoran vocabulary is related to Sartoran time and cosmology:
- Ael=shines (yel means old)
- Anaer=wings (many variations on this one, came to mean sails, as on ships)
- Ardrial=truth (fact)
- Bath=middle, midway, mid
- beth=three; also, depending on what words are before or after, can mean soul, center or central, clouds between ground and sky
- Brand=ho
- Darian=friend (various pronunciations over years, and across continent)
- Diav="new" in Old Sartoan, came to take on many meanings later.
- Elen=love (the verb infinitive 'to love' being elendal)
- Fer=new
- Hael, Heil, hyal=variations on "land"
- han="less", "without" "barren of" --again, took on many meanings depending on position in sentence.
- Lee="tree" in earliest time, but also came to mean ship, and Sartoran developed more specific words for trees; the word leaked into other languages, though, as tree and sometimes as ship but again, variations exist.
- Malend=grace
- Mord=hand, also "mond"--"mord" separated off into northern useage eventually, came back as "leader" so "mondias" was "my lord" for a long time. Also, limited, "Mordias"
- Pur = circle
- Purad = blessed circle (labyrinth)
- Napurdiav = the act of walking the labyrinth; to walk the circle of renewal. (Na comes from nadar, to walk. The suffix "diav" here came to mean specifically walking the labyrinth
- Rad=blessed
- Roth (rath)=good
- Sherm=warmth
- Sir=a respectful prefix meaning "person"
- Sar=earliest, "leader", ruler, later became prefix
- Sar (ind, end) = ruler **al sar = king, ar sar = queen [masc ending ol, nal, fem. Er, ar]
- "Sarias" is thus the present day equivalent of "our ruler" or, "your majesty"--used in address.
- Tor=people
- Yas, ias=once first person possessive, but became exclusively for titles--the ruler would be called "Sarias" by the people, and the ruler would say "Torias" or "my people"
See Also