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Perideth was once a part of Iasca Leror, then, when falling to the Marlovans became Fera-Vayir, the latter shared with Cassad family, which later broke away. Rich with excellent farm land, raising cotton on north-facing slopes in the north and sheep on the southern hills, Perideth has done well, being frequently called on to clear out infestations of pirates and outlaws from the Land Bridge. Its main harbor is Parayid, which is the first stop through the Narrows, and thus an important port. Ever since the Olavair days, when the kingdom broke off, there has been lingering hatred of the Marlovens, revived at times by its rulers for their own ends. There is evidence that the king, Halmaer Nothaluin, permitted and even supplied the Norsundrians who Tdanerend Montredaun-An invited in, then refused to accept across the border, and consequently attacked.
Before the Norsunder war years, its youth had become decadent and lazy, under the obnoxious prince Valta Nothaluin, who was raised to loathe the Marlovens. After the war, many of the nobles wanted to be rid of Valta as king and to become a Marloven protectorate, as their own government did nothing for them but spend tax money for new castles after the war.
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