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Usurper "Queen" of the farm land in western Mearsies Heili.
She was encouraged by her brother to stake out territory in Mearsies Heili to the south, based on an abortive treaty that was legal for about the time of a long dinner. She was supposed to supervise the establishment of farmland so that Elchnudaeb could enrich itself without paying tolls or taxes, but she insisted on building herself an enormous pleasure palace with a town surrounding it so she could parade.
She had a son, whom she intended to marry to the Mearsiean princess, Clair Sherwood thus she could gain the entire kingdom, but was thwarted at every attempt to gain a foothold by the Mearsieans, even when aided by Kwenz Sonscarna until even he lost patience.
Glotulae was eventually forced to give up her claims and return to her brother, who exiled her to a small plot of land at his extreme border.
Nicknamed "Fobogabaf" by CJ Sherwood (because Dhana thought Glotulae was a pretty, liquid sounding name).[1] She is a self centered woman who lives only for her own amusement and expects everyone around her to do exactly as she says.[2]
Categories: Over the Sea || Mearsies Heili Bounces Back || Firejive || Mearsies Heili